Pongsocket has some fantastic satellite maps picked out as “Earth Art” from Google. Ex:
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Each of the aerial/satellite pictures highlights some extraordinary terrain or landscape coloration and patterns. The pictures have a wonderfully expressionistic feel to them and are well worth browsing.
However, these selections are not truly “Earth Art”, which is a name that refers to manmade constructions which fit into the natural environment in some way, rather like the works of Christo and Robert Smithson.
I’ve collected quite a bit of Earth Art examples for articles about Google Maps for a while now. Here’s Smithson’s famous “Spiral Jetty”:

Pongsocket’s examples are some really good samples of beautiful satellite or aerial photography. But, for it to be “art”, it requires human intervention of some sort – some level of intention.
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Wednesday, March 24th, 2010I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for so long, without ever having launched my own blog before! Doesn’t it seem odd? (more…)
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