Okay, I really want one of these — it’s a 17 x 17 x 17 Rubic’s Cube style puzzle:
The puzzle is by Oskar van Deventer, and it can be found here.
I’ll risk exposing how geeky I am by explaining that the original Rubic’s Cube became a super-popular pop culture icon back when I was in middle school and high school. And, in high school, a small handful of us used to compete to see who was the fastest at solving messed-up Rubik’s Cubes. I think I came in (more…)
Friday, February 4th, 2011The puzzle is by Oskar van Deventer, and it can be found here.
I’ll risk exposing how geeky I am by explaining that the original Rubic’s Cube became a super-popular pop culture icon back when I was in middle school and high school. And, in high school, a small handful of us used to compete to see who was the fastest at solving messed-up Rubik’s Cubes. I think I came in (more…)
Tags: complexity, game theory, mathematics, puzzles, rubik's cubes
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